For better business
We conduct business ethically, honestly and in full compliance with the law. We believe that how we conduct ourselves is critical to our success in delivering industry leading logistics solutions. Our compliance policies are foundational to how we do business and how we put our values into practice every day.

Our approach
MBS is committed to being a socially responsible corporate citizen, focusing on a wide range of areas, including environmental impact, workplace safety and diversity. We strictly adhere to international regulations, focusing on anti-corruption, competition and data protection. We oppose bribery and corruption and conduct business with integrity and transparency, fostering a culture of compliance in everything we do.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets out our ethical requirements for our employees. When a new team member joins MBS, they must certify they have read and understand the policy. Violations of the policy are taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Compliance management
We proactively manage business ethics risks through a comprehensive compliance programme designed to uphold the highest ethical standards. Our approach to compliance rests on three key pillars:

Our compliance training uses scenarios to demonstrate how our policies apply in real life and reinforces our high expectations for ethical behaviour in everything we do. Through a mixture of interactive course and click-and-learn sessions, employees receive essential knowledge about compliance, fraud prevention, anti-corruption as well as data protection and mobile security.
Speak up
Our employees understand they have a responsibility to speak up when they see or hear of a violation of our policies or the law. We offer a confidential whistleblowing solution. Our employees can anonymously contact our conduct team by phone, email, post or web.