MBS News
16 Jul 2021

New sales channels through digital trading platforms

Neue Vertriebskanäle durch digitale Handelsplattformen News
Neue Vertriebskanäle durch digitale Handelsplattformen News

New sales channels through digital trading platforms

New digital formats and their further development were on the agenda at this year’s Transportlogistik Messe München, the world’s largest logistics trade fair. Despite Corona, the organisers, in cooperation with KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH, facilitated the lively exchange and transfer of knowledge at the originally scheduled trade fair date, this time in the form of an online conference.

MBS Logistics, represented by Managing Director Andreas Janetzko, was among the participants. He took the opportunity to illustrate with a concrete example which advantages an e-commerce concept can contain and which perspectives and opportunities can be generated from it. “In order to optimally coordinate complex trade transactions and the logistics sector, platforms are needed that enable faster and thus more cost-effective and ecologically justifiable processing of trade transactions. Partnerships are a very important component here to link marketing processes worldwide so that all parties involved benefit,” says Janetzko.

MBS has already developed a platform with three companies in China for products from Germany based on this principle. Participants in this platform are the client itself, a tourism group, a hotel chain and a department store chain. The companies are digitally linked with the help of a trading platform and all steps within order processing are coordinated with each other via this network. The result: not only is the delivery of goods accelerated, but all partners involved are part of the common customer network and the sales channels that are expanded as a result.

“There are more and more Chinese customers who would like to have access to German or European quality for their product requirements. With the help of the trading platform, smaller companies now also have the opportunity to participate in this mega-market China,” Janetzko pointed out the opportunities of the concept.

Katja Wittke, Lead Market Wholesale & Logistic of KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH was pleased about the lively participation in the online conference, which at the same time represents a bridge to the other events in the transport logistic network in September in San Francisco, in November in Istanbul, in February 2022 in Mumbai, in June 2022 in Shanghai and in February 2023 in Johannesburg.

“The further development of digital formats and the worldwide joint exchange on new trade platforms are groundbreaking and a very important step in the right direction,” says Janetzko, who is driving the implementation of digitalisation at MBS together with Managing Director Daniel Steckel.