The Corona pandemic turned four per cent of employees in Germany in the home office into one in four. Tendancy increasing.
At the beginning of January, Daniel Laugner started his new job as branch manager of MBS in Nuremberg “I couldn’t wait to start working for MBS.
Maximilian Peters joined MBS Speditionsgesellschaft at the beginning of 2019. Now he takes over the branch management of Troisdorf and Worms from Heinz-Peter Engels who is taking his well-deserved retirement after 32 years.
If the questions in the areas of human rights, grievance procedures, anti-corruption or environmental management cannot be answered within the deadline, suppliers are quickly removed from the supplier list.
When Barbara Moll sits down at her desk in the emergency department of MBS, Anytime, in Cologne between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., she has already made at least five phone calls and answered at least that many emails.