MBS News
06 Apr 2021

The new Insight – 01.2021

Die neue Insight ist da
Die neue Insight ist da

The new Insight – 01.2021


A tough winter under Corona conditions is behind us and it is time to look forward to spring with new ideas and plans for the future. In any case, we look forward to welcoming you back here and entertaining you with news and articles worth reading about MBS Logistics.

We have used the winter season, in which neither great customer meetings nor participation in logistics trade fairs were
possible, to develop new strategies and make ourselves strong for the challenges of the coming months. This also includes
the further development of our CRM, Customer Relation Management, with which we can adjust even more precisely to the requirements of our customers.

In our Spotlight this time, we introduce the company Winkler + Dünnebier, which demonstrates operation not only in Corona times. With Alexandra Moeck from MBS Station in Munich, we present our third power woman and we are guests of our partner QualitAir in Morocco. We take a look back at our successful Christmas wish tree campaign and summarise the
most important new Brexit regulations for you.

Of course, there is also a lot of news in this issue. Among other things, we report on Sofia, the only flying observatory, which
was stationed at Cologne/Bonn Airport for its six-week mission and caused fascination not only among stargazers.
We are pleased that you are with us again and hope you enjoy reading.

Insight 2021 Issue 1
(PDF | 5,1 MB)

Andreas Janetzko

Daniel Steckel